Where Children Can Be Children

He waka
eke noa!


Te Henga Room

1 - 2 years

In the Te Henga room we provide an environment that is calm, nurturing and individually challenging for young toddlers.

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Teacher listening to children at Piwaka Daycare centre Glen Eden

Te Henga teachers are caring, respectful and able to adapt to meet children’s individual routines. We create good relationships with our children and their whānau and value any feedback, tips or advice you may have. We have an open door policy for anyone wanting to come in and visit as we consider ourselves the children’s ‘home away from home’


If Te Henga is the first room your child will come to from outside the centre we have a real focus on transition visits before they start at Pīwaka. This will be over a 2-3 week period. It can be longer if you think your child/children will need a bit more time to feel comfortable in their new environment while getting to know their new friends. Visits are usually about 1 hour in length and will gradually build to include meal times and a sleep

Child playing in sandpit at Piwaka daycare centre Glen Eden
child playing with playdough at Piwaka Early Learning Centre Glen Eden

This age group enjoys using their new found confidence and physical skills to explore their environment. In this regard we are lucky to have two outside areas for the children to explore and specific climbing equipment designed for this age

We provide activities that are based on the children’s strengths and interests. We value a free play philosophy where children are able to move between activities both indoor and outside independently. We love and encourage messy play activities


We have a separate sleep room where most children sleep on low stretcher beds. We also have cots available which are mostly used by the younger children who may sometimes need to sleep twice a day. The majority of children sleep after our 11am lunch. Children are welcome to bring special sleep items such as toys, blankets and dummies if they require

child sleeping at Piwaka Early Learning Centre Glen Eden
Boy playing outside at Piwaka Early Learning Centre Glen Eden

Transition to the next stage the Kakamatua room will be done based on each child’s individual needs and readiness, not strictly by age. Your child's friendships are very important so when children move from our room to Kakamatua we buddy them up with a friend or two to undertake the transition process. This transition will take 3-4 weeks and we will consult with you thorughout this transition 

We would love to welcome you and your child/children into our Te Henga room so come along meet us all and see what we do