Parent Information
We provide full time care on a weekly basis for children aged from birth to 5 years. Full time care is up to five days per week between 7am and 5:30pm.
We also offer part time for an enrolment of a minimum of three days for Under 3 and 4 days per week for 3-5years for a minimum of 6.5 hours per day.
The Centre is open from 7:00am to 5:30pm throughout the year and closes only at weekends and statutory holidays.
ERO Report
Our February 2022 Education Review Report views our tamariki as ‘competent, capable learners’.
Summary Findings
Children are viewed as competent, capable learners. They engage in learning-focused relationships with kaiako ,who provide a curriculum consistent with Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum. The curriculum is aligned to the service’s priorities for learning. The service’s philosophy is lived and visible in the centre.
Children under the age of three benefit from a calm, unhurried environment. Kaiakoknow children’s individual needs, and children demonstrate a strong sense of belonging.
Children’s learning is enhanced through individualised assessment practices that:
inform planning
support kaiako to engage in intentional teaching practices
extend children’s learning
support children to develop their image as successful learners, building and promoting their confidence and mana as individuals.
The centre philosophy is founded on genuine and respectful relationships, the celebration of cultural diversity and the integral place of partnerships with parents/whānau, based on children's learning and development.
Starting at Pīwaka
Being comfortable about leaving your child in our care is really important, as your children regardless of age, will pick up on your feelings.
You need to feel positive about the centre and our teachers before your child starts on their new adventure, so that you all can transition smoothly into the Pīwaka environment .
We encourage you to spend time with your child at Pīwaka to become familiar with our routines and use this time to talk to us about the aspirations you have for your child.
This way, you can get to know our teachers and become familiar with the environment and routines that your child will become part of.
Story Park
Storypark is a secure interactive online network between teachers, children and the people that matter most for your child.
It enables us to communicate with families, teachers and specialists to ensure children receive the best opportunities.
This is achieved through providing:
Deeper insights into your child's unique interests, learning, needs and abilities
Improves communication between teachers and families
Enables teachers to spend their time with your child more effectively
Helps your child's teachers define "whats next" in their learning.
Share movement, song and creative expression through audio and video
Actively involve grandparents, family and close friends thorough individual and community posts/photos on a secure online platform
Pā-Harakeke Healthy Heart Gold Award
We provide food which is healthy and nutritious.
We obtained Healthy Heart accreditation for Pā-Harakeke Gold Award status and have operated under those parameters for over 4 years. This enables us to focus on health and nutrition. We operate with two cooks who provide morning teas, lunch and afternoon teas
Any children with food allergies are catered for within the parameters of the Healthy Heart Guidelines
The Pīwaka story
By Romana Tekaharoa Potts (Pou Tikanga)
Pīwakawaka is one of Tāne, God of the forest and birds children, Pīwakawaka one of the smallest birds, yet full of energy, the sentinel, the challenger to anyone that enters the sacred forest of Tāne, challenging them all, to be respectful of the great Forests of Tāne and all within it. Pīwakawaka is nimble and sharp of mind, darting in front of the visitors as they enter the sanctuary of ngā manu rangatira. He hovers, then darts forward flicking his taiaha with strength and swiftness, Ti Ti Tei Tei Tū! “do you come in peace - or not”, he cries out, the little warrior reminding us to challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be, and if you challenge someone else be tika and pono (honest and true). The energetic nature of Pīwakawaka gives us motivation and strength to push the boundaries and achieve our ultimate dreams.
Are you interested and want to know more?
Simply get in touch with us and we can organise a time to show you around and answer all your questions